Szaferman Lakind is pleased to announce that Co-Managing Partner, Brian G. Paul, has been appointed as Co-Chair of the New Jersey State Bar Association’s (NJSBA) Amicus Committee. This is a testament to Brian’s dedication, experience, and expertise in the field, and we wholeheartedly congratulate him on this appointment.

The Amicus Committee is a significant component of the NJSBA, playing a pivotal role in the legal landscape of New Jersey. The committee’s primary mission revolves around providing cogent and informed recommendations concerning whether the NJSBA should participate as amicus curiae in cases that are pending before the New Jersey Supreme Court.

For those less familiar with the term, an amicus curiae, which translates from Latin as “friend of the court,” is an entity or individual who is not a party to the litigation but offers information, expertise, or insight that bears on the case’s issues. The purpose of this involvement is to assist the court in its decision-making process, especially when the case’s ramifications extend beyond the immediate parties to affect broader societal interests.

When the NJSBA lends its voice as an amicus curiae, it’s a clear signal of the case’s significance in shaping New Jersey’s legal framework. Thus, the committee’s work is paramount in ensuring that the association’s participation is in the best interests of both the legal community and the general public.

Brian G. Paul’s appointment as Co-Chair underscores the respect and trust he has earned within the legal community. As Co-Managing Partner of Szaferman Lakind, he has consistently demonstrated not just legal acumen, but also a deep understanding of the broader implications and nuances of landmark cases. This experience will undoubtedly serve him and the Amicus Committee well in the deliberations and recommendations they put forth.