Historic Preservation
Szaferman Lakind, P.C. is pleased to extend its attorneys’ historic preservation expertise to those who value New Jersey’s and the tri-state area’s place in history.
As more redevelopment occurs in our urbanized landscape, developers are likely to encounter historic properties and cultural resources that, by law, must be preserved in place unless approvals are obtained from State and municipal governments to remove, alter or demolish such resources, especially when they are publicly-owned and listed, or eligible for listing, on a National or State Register of Historic Places. Even single property owners may be affected by federal and state laws or local ordinances that restrict development or redevelopment in historic districts, or which affect historically or culturally significant places and properties. Should approvals be obtained, a mitigation plan will have to be developed. Our attorneys will guide you through the approval process, and provide advice on historic tax credits, negotiate mitigation and preservation plans, and deal with environmental constraints including flood hazard mitigation and climate change adaptation, to obtain approvals from local land use boards, or state historic preservation offices.
Occasionally, litigation is necessary and we have experience in both state and federal court in historic preservation cases. This firm also represents local government historic preservation commissions, and those who seek to preserve historic and cultural resources in the face of development that is not sensitive to the balance between development and preservation.