Business Law Services

Intellectual Property, Trademarks & Copyrights

Szaferman Lakind is committed to helping our clients protect their very valuable and important intellectual property.

In particular, we perform searches to determine the registrability of trademarks prior to the filing of registration applications with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”). We do this to give our clients the best chance of registration and to reduce possible opposition to such registration by third-parties. After the searches are completed, we thoroughly discuss the results of such searches with our clients so that they understand the results with the ultimate goal of successfully prosecuting a registration application with the USPTO.

Upon the successful registration of our clients’ marks, we assist them in maintaining and renewing those marks with the USPTO, and represent our clients against challenges to the registration of their marks in the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (“TTAB”) and the courts, where necessary. We also advise our clients on how to protect their marks by unauthorized users, and draft cease and desist letters to those who use our clients’ marks without license or other authorization, and who misrepresent their right in those marks or their affiliation with our clients, thus creating consumer confusion in the marketplace to the detriment of our clients and the consuming public. Where compliance with our demands that infringing parties cease the unauthorized use of our clients’ marks, we seek injunctive relief in the courts to protect our clients’ intellectual property rights.

Similarly, we file copyright registration applications on behalf of our clients with the U.S. Copyright Office to protect their computer software, databases and websites; writings and literary works; music, lyrics and scripts; all types of artwork, jewelry and architectural drawings; video games and photography.

We also negotiate licenses of our clients’ intellectual property with third-party users, counsel our clients on the protection of their trade secrets, and prepare confidentiality agreements to protect the misuse of their intellectual property by prospective purchasers, joint ventures and licensees thereof, and current and former employees.

Our focus is always to understand our clients’ business goals, and to provide the broadest protection of their intellectual property in a coordinated and efficient manner.

Szaferman Lakind Business Attorneys

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