Business Law Services

Antitrust Counseling & Litigation

We assist our clients in understanding and complying with federal and state antitrust laws and regulations, including the Sherman Act, FTC Act and New Jersey Antitrust Act.

In doing so, we help our clients evaluate potential collaborations and joint ventures which enhance rather than restrict competition; participation in and the recognized role of trade associations; guidance involving price policies; distribution methods, including primary areas of responsibility and territorial allocation strategies; advertising policies, including internet advertising; resale price maintenance policies; refusals to deal and group boycotts; product and service tying arrangements; licensing agreements, including those involving the use and restriction of intellectual property; franchise structures; dealer programs and termination policies; and the effect of potential mergers and acquisitions on market share and monopoly considerations. We also represent our clients during inquiries by regulatory competition agencies and in litigated disputes.

Partner Lionel J. Frank, Esq. brings vast experience to our clients as a former New Jersey Deputy Attorney General, Division of Criminal Justice, Antitrust Section, and past Chairman of the New Jersey State Bar Association’s Special Committee on Antitrust Law. He has written on antitrust topics and been a speaker at New Jersey CLE antitrust law seminars. Lionel is supported by the firm’s Business and Litigation departments. Attorneys work together across practice areas to provide the most efficient, ethical and cost effective solutions for our clients.

Szaferman Lakind Antitrust and Trade Regulation Attorneys

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