An individual defrauding the system is weeded out

By |2013-03-04T07:16:06-05:00March 4th, 2013|Social Security Disability|

For the vast majority of people seeking Social Security Disability, claims and injuries are legitimate.  And their benefits are entirely justified.  However, occasionally, an individual defrauding the system is weeded out.  Hopefully, the case of Charles Daniel Koss, 63, recently found guilty in federal court, will be seen by the critics of SSD as an… Continue Reading An individual defrauding the system is weeded out

Mommy is on fire

By |2013-03-02T07:35:17-05:00March 2nd, 2013|Disability Pension Appeal, Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, General, Motor Vehicle Accidents, Personal Injury & Wrongful Death, Social Security Disability, Workers' Compensation|

A high profile personal injury case in Pennsylvania, New Jersey’s next-door-neighbor, is on its way to being put to rest. A few years ago, Carrie Goretzka stepped outside to call the power company and report an outage and downed line on her property, 30 miles east of Pittsburgh.  No one knows exactly what happened that… Continue Reading Mommy is on fire

Compassionate Allowance conditions

By |2013-03-02T07:31:44-05:00March 2nd, 2013|Social Security Disability|

Recently, the Social Security Administration announced 35 new “Compassionate Allowance conditions.” A Compassionate Allowance condition is a “fast track” to the process of SSDI and SSI disability claims.  According to the agency, they are for “applicants whose medical conditions are so severe that their conditions obviously meet Social Security’s definition of disability.”  A claimant suffering… Continue Reading Compassionate Allowance conditions

Social Security Disability recipients the subject of mischaracterizations and misinformation

By |2013-03-02T07:23:36-05:00March 2nd, 2013|Social Security Disability|

Social Security Disability recipients have long been the subject of mischaracterizations and misinformation.  Criticisms of the program often take the form of accusations that the requirements for eligibility – especially in the realm of mental health – are insufficiently strict.  And these attacks are not limited to adults.  Social Security Disability for children is similarly… Continue Reading Social Security Disability recipients the subject of mischaracterizations and misinformation

The “system” itself can seem prejudiced against you, at times.

By |2013-02-28T07:43:25-05:00February 28th, 2013|Social Security Disability|

Sometimes there are good stories.  Like one recently told by the president of the National Organization of Social Security Claimants’ Representatives (NOSSCR).  She described, in a newsletter to members, that an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) called her before a hearing was to take place.  The judge graciously explained that, due to the snowy weather, the… Continue Reading The “system” itself can seem prejudiced against you, at times.

New Jersey Appellate Division Affirms Jury’s Award for Nursing Home Negligence

By |2013-02-02T17:55:39-05:00February 2nd, 2013|Disability Pension Appeal, Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, General, Motor Vehicle Accidents, On My Way To Court, Personal Injury & Wrongful Death, Social Security Disability, Workers' Compensation|

Placing a family member in a nursing home can be an emotional and tolling process.  Families spend much time conducting research when searching for a nursing home that can provide the highest degree of care in tending to the specific needs of their loved one.  While many nursing homes do provide a high level of… Continue Reading New Jersey Appellate Division Affirms Jury’s Award for Nursing Home Negligence

Are Posthumously Conceived Children Entitled to Social Security Survivor Benefits

By |2013-02-02T17:45:52-05:00February 2nd, 2013|Social Security Disability|

In 2012, The Supreme Court of the United States decided a case called Astrue v. Capato which held that state laws must be used to determine whether a child-parent relationship exists for children who were conceived posthumously.  After this case came down from The Supreme Court, the Social Security Administration had to withdraw its Acquiescence… Continue Reading Are Posthumously Conceived Children Entitled to Social Security Survivor Benefits

It Can Happen to You: Disability and NJ Social Security Benefits

By |2022-08-04T10:33:44-05:00January 19th, 2013|Social Security Disability|

Your chances of becoming disabled in your lifetime are more likely than you might imagine. The Social Security Administration (SSA) disability website reports that, “a 20-year-old worker has a 3-in-10 chance of becoming disabled before reaching retirement age.” In fact, of the entire population of the United States (about 312 million), almost 10 million citizens… Continue Reading It Can Happen to You: Disability and NJ Social Security Benefits

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