Judge Linda Feinberg (Ret.) was a presenter in two programs in September for attorneys and judges in New Jersey.
On September 16, 2020, Judge Feinberg spoke during a New Jersey State Bar Association Continuing Legal Education program presented to attorneys in the state. The program focused on preparing and delivering opening statements during mediations. Judge Feinberg took the audience step-by-step through the mediation process and the importance of setting a positive tone, being impartial as well as creating the right psychological environment by appearing fair, consistent and inclusive of each party.
Judge Feinberg also participated in the Office of Administrative Law’s Judges Training from the Commission on Professionalism in the Law on September 25, 2020. The Commission on Professionalism in the Law is a “consortium of the State and Federal Judiciaries, the New Jersey State Bar Association, Rutgers Law School and Seton Hall Law School whose members include attorneys, judges and academics who seek to identify the better practices of professionalism for attorneys and judges alike.” Judge Feinberg currently serves on the Commission on Professionalism in the Law.
This program touched on the principles as well as the “dos and don’ts” of Judicial Professionalism. They also discussed a judge’s responsibility to the litigants, the lawyers and to the public.
Since retiring after serving over two decades on the bench, Judge Feinberg focuses on providing mediation and arbitration services. To contact Judge Feinberg please call (609) 275-0400 or email her at lfeinberg@szaferman.com.